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escalier, escalier bois, rampe d'escalier

The STAIRSTEADY secure a step towards independence and aging well




rambarde escalier, escalier bois, rampe d'escalier

The STAIRSTEADY secure a step towards independence and aging well


The StairSteady helps you maintain independence on your stairs while staying safe.

Le StairSteady est une main courante fixe de haute qualité et une poignée de support coulissante qui se déplace librement lorsque vous le poussez mais se verrouille en place lorsque vous appliquez du poids. 
Il agit comme un soutien ferme pour monter ou descendre les escaliers.

La poignée est solide et sécurisée et vous permet d’avoir les deux mains devant vous lorsque vous montez ou descendez les escaliers à votre rythme. 
Une fois que vous avez atteint le haut ou le bas, la poignée se plie pour vous permettre de rester autonome sans avoir à faire de compromis sur l'apparence.

The StairSteady is useful in many different situations.
Perhaps you are recovering from treatment or injury, or have a long-lasting condition that affects your stability?
We have helped people of all ages with many different conditions.

We have helped a wide range of people, including people recovering from strokes, head injuries and chemotherapy, as well as people with amputations and long-term medical conditions such as ME, diabetes and obesity.

The StairSteady is flexible and it is possible for more than one person to use it with an additional handle and nozzle.

The StairSteady was invented by Ruth Amos, a girl from Sheffield, for her school GCSE course at the age of 15. She notably won the prestigious “Young British Engineer” for the StairSteady. In 2013, the StairSteady was awarded 'Best Established Product' by the British Healthcare Trade Association. We now sell the StairSteady through a network of friendly local dealers in the UK and have recently started to expand into other parts of Europe and Canada.

The StairSteady is manufactured in the UK to the strictest ISO 9000 standards; it is something very important for the company. It is quick and easy to install and requires minimal ongoing care. If you're not sure if the StairSteady is for you, why not try out one of our demo units so you can test out the StairSteady before you buy it.

The StairSteady is very flexible and can help people with a wide range of needs. it's not just for the elderly and infirm, although it undoubtedly helps many people in either of those situations. We have helped a wide range of people, including people recovering from strokes, head injuries and chemotherapy, as well as people with amputations and long-term medical conditions such as ME, diabetes and obesity. We have also been able to help people with specific needs, such as the visually impaired.

The StairSteady can be used by young and old, as well as multiple users. We can handle most types of stairs. Our engineers and staff will be able to give you an honest opinion on whether the StairSteady is right for you.

The StairSteady banister

The advantage of this system is that it can be installed horizontally, so as to reform a walker or a cane.
Adapted to facilitate daily travel!

It can also help with rehabilitation.

1. Contact your nearest dealer

Download the complete list of all our resellers here.
Liste des revendeurs locaux

2. Enquêtes à la maison

Ils voudront faire une enquête pour voir si vos escaliers sont appropriés. Dans certains cas, vous pourrez peut-être faire cette enquête vous-même en utilisant ce formulaire. 

3. fit

Once you are ready to use the StairSteady, your local dealer will arrange the fitting.
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Nous voulons en savoir plus sur vos besoins spécifiques pour vous proposer la solution idéale. Dites-nous ce qu'il vous faut et nous nous efforcerons de vous satisfaire. 
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